Thursday, October 21, 2010

Autumn Farro Pilaf

Even though I like meat too much to consider ever becoming a vegetarian, I do my best to plan at least a couple of meatless meals every week.  That can be a little more challenging than simply recycling the same formula of meat-starch-veg night after night, but ultimately this commitment forces me to be more creative, I think.  In part that is because, even without animal protein, I still crave the same rich kinds of flavor that roasting or browning meat imparts to a dish.

Last night I created that same experience in a farro pilaf that we had with a roasted beet and spinach salad.  Here's what I did.

1 cup farro
8 oz. mushrooms (cremini or an assortment with some wild), quartered
8 oz. Brussels sprouts, halved
1 onion, cut in strips
olive oil
salt and pepper
crumbled goat cheese

Bring 5 cups of salted water to a boil.  Add the farro, cover, and simmer for 25 minutes or so, until tender.  Drain.  Meanwhile, toss the mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, and onion with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and roast in a 400 degree oven for around 25 minutes, until they are starting to brown.  Toss the vegetables and the warm farro together, dress with a little additional olive oil, and correct seasoning.  Garnish with goat cheese.

I also made a pumpkin, kale, and lentil stew the other day in the slow cooker; I'll post that recipe when I have a chance.

1 comment:

amy beth said...

This sounds absolutely perfect! I got more and more excited as I kept reading. No meat? Go on . . . and on